
Best Classes for Grinding XP/Gold/Items!

On my last post, I mentioned A LOT of grinding for gear. Aside from those items, majority of Nulgath and Dage gear is dependent on grinding for items (More Nulgath but, meh). To make getting your favourite gears easier, I decided to put up my preferred classes for grinding monsters. The first thing to keep in mind is that you will most likely want to clear multiple targets at once, usually in threes. So obviously the best classes would be any class with AOE/Multiple target spells. Here is the list:

(Classes are not in any order and these classes are the ones available to Non-Members and are easier to get)

1. Darkblood Stormking
This class is probably one of the strongest classes out there. With extreme health sustain and mana sustain combined with high damage and stuns, this class does it all. Not to mention the average 4k nuke. Recommended for high level monster grinding.

2. Royal Battlemage
This class is great too, although it does not have the sustain that DBSK comes with. It has great AOE potential! Recommended for high-mid level monster grinding.

3. Shaman/Evolved Shaman
I was skeptical about putting this class(es) onto this list because it lacks the simple raw AOE damage without your fourth ability. Also, Shaman has little to no sustain and Evolved Shaman once again lacks damage but provides with a heal. Both classes are quite mana hungry as well. I would recommend using Shaman/EShaman for lower level monster grinding.

4. Blaze Binder
This class is decent for monster grinding. It provides with a lot of AOE and to make it better your first and fourth ability are GUARANTEED to crit. It just doesn't have the sustain to deal with multiple higher level monsters attacking you at the same time. This class also packs a whole lot of DoT's. Recommended for mid level monster grinding.

5. Troll Spellsmith?
Putting Troll Spellsmith on this list was really questionable. To me, its not very optimal for monster grinding due to it having only one AOE spell, although as you charge your fourth ability up, it does more damage. It just isn't as reliable as the other classes. Recommended for mid-low monster grinding.

Did I miss anything? You think another class should be added within this list? Tell me in the comments section! If you want me to make a list specifically for Members, let me know as well! Maybe I'll make a "Best Classes for Soloing Bosses" list...

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